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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Say! What About Those Tropics...

The Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn...did I mean "topic"? No, I mean't "tropic". It does sound a little like "topic", but it's "tropic".  So where was I?  Oh!

As Dr. Binoc explains:  The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn see the most direct sunlight all year long!  These lines were named about 2000 years ago when "sky scientists" observed that the Sun was in the constellation Capricorn in the winter and in the constellation Cancer in the summer. Since those ancient times and because our Earth has a "wobble", the Sun is not found in those constellations at the time of winter solstice and summer solstice...but the names have stayed. 

So, why do we care?  Because of this amazing phenomena:  the Sun NEVER appears overhead in those areas of the world that are outside the Tropics zone!  Cool huh?  Not cool!  It's really hot in the Tropics because all of the Sun's direct sunlight is hitting the Earth right there!

The topic is all about the Tropics today, and their hot! 


  1. I liked the video. I wish I could watch more videos.

  2. I'll stick to moderate temperatures.😊

  3. i wish there would have been memes but i liked the video a lot...:) i am so glad i could come back to school!!!!!:)

  4. I'm glad we get to have all four seasons.

  5. Isn't it nice to have Winter, Summer, Fall, and Spring? :D

  6. i think its amazing tha the tropic of cancer and capicorn dont see light for 6 months

    ps this is grant hejny
