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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Earth Wobbles

Did you know that Earth wobbles? 

Don't worry, the wobble doesn't really effect us.  The wobble was noticed when GPS satellites were put up in space.  To get accurate readings from space scientists had to factor in the Earth's wobble.  These two scientists, Surendra Adhikari and Erik Ivins of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, have been doing research around the world trying to answer the problem of the wobble. They think the wobble is due to the movement of water around the world.  

In the year 2000 the spin around Earth's axis took a turn to the East!  (I didn't feel it, did you?)  Scientists increased their research and found that ice sheets have been melting and around India, or the 45 degree latitude line, droughts have dried up inland seas, rivers and lakes.  Apparently the two events, ice melting and drying up of water has increased the direction of the wobble!  

From the research scientists are understanding that the Earth is very sensitive to changes on its surface.  

Do scientists need more information, more research done, more models drawn?  


Psst!  It's still pretty cool that we have the technology that helps us study these things in the meantime.  I mean there are so many questions about the Earth that need to be answered!  


  1. i think it is cool that the earth wobbles. I also think its cool that there is enough water to make it wobble.

  2. I never knew that so cool

  3. the earths wobble what thats crazy, and even more crazy that is dosent afect us (the earth is flat though)

  4. I had no clue that the earth wobbles!

  5. Like everyone says, the wobble is really cool!
