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Monday, September 23, 2019

Seasons Misconceptions

The days get shorter, the nights get colder, the leaves on the trees start to turn red, yellow, and orange.  Winter is coming, why do these changes happen where we live every year?

Some people say the Earth is moving around the Sun in its regular orbit and moving farther away from the Sun.  That makes sense but the idea is:

Other people might say seasons happen all over the Earth at the same time.  Again, good idea but its:

Or people believe, it's winter when it's cold, and summer when it's hot: 

Why do we believe such things?  Well, it might be we don't haven't understand the tilt of the Earth.  Is it all about the tilt?  Yup!  It really is all about the tilt.

Let's start at the beginning...The Earth revolves around the Sun in an orbit, or path.  At one time astronomers believed the orbit was perfectly circular.  In 1609, an astronomer named Kepler, using math and observations calculated that the Earth's orbit was in an oval, or slightly elliptical.

If we include the tilt of the Earth and this slightly elliptical orbit, this movement results in four seasons; summer, autumn, winter, and spring.  But, not all over the Earth...

Because the Earth is tilted one hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun while the other hemisphere is not.  It's true that when the Northern Hemisphere is enjoying winter, the Southern Hemisphere is enjoying summer.

We need to remember that the world is an very LARGE planet compared to us little humans.  What we experience in our neighborhood could be completely different in the state next to us, or even across the entire world.  I think that's why people love to helps us understand our world and our neighborhood a little bit better. 


  1. I like the three pictures saying wrong! I learned that the earth doesn't orbit circular but like an oval. I liked the pencil thing. I like Christmas with snow.

  2. The democrats should take the trump gif, replace trumps face with obamas or somebody else, then say, trump, i"m sorry but you're wrong! hahhahahah

    bad joke, ok

  3. i am troomp Wrong!!!!!!!

  4. I like the shiny airplane, it's cool.

  5. learning about the season is interesting and cool. how the earth rotates on its axis and that causes the cold and hot weather

  6. that was samuel ashton

  7. am i the only one who saw tycho brahe's eyes on kepler's first law of motion, they freaking moved back and forth!!! come on that is so creepy!!!

  8. i am so glad we have christmas with snow i wouln't dare have christmas on a beach because that is what i do during summer time. luck little me...

  9. i thought our planet moved in a circle, well now i won't be wrong when i talk about that to people, it is an oval! it now makes sense!

  10. On the snow video it has the top 10 science experiments for people. Its pretty cool. i liked the volcano. When it erupted it was pretty cool to see the lava form a shape.

  11. I like when Donlad Trump sings All I want for chisrtmas is you and I like that song and we should do it because it sounds good and when he is saying wrong and I my thoughts and my ispiration and he is always their for the countery.

  12. Miss Taylor, I like you as my science teacher because we activies almost
    all the time and you make my DAY!

  13. Miss Taylor is the BEST

  14. Why is Doland Trump saying wrong?that is my qestion.

  15. Dear Miss Taylor,You are the best science teacher
