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Monday, October 14, 2019

All Good Seasons Come To an End

We have reached the end of our Unit on the Seasons.  So sad, I know!

We won't be specifically talking about TILT, and DAYLIGHT hours, or REVOLUTIONS, or DIRECT AND INDIRECT sunlight.  Remember, if you ever forget these terms and ideas, stories and theories, they are saved right here.  At the blog:  In fact you can probably come back years from now and find the site and read your own comments again and again. 

So the big question is:  WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NEXT? 

Gravity and Inertia.  I figure since we are in space anyway, we should just continue trying to figure out what else happens in the SPACE around us. 

Stay tuned for more gravity exploring in the next couple of weeks.  It's going to be very interesting, captivating and probably crazy!

How did I know that?  Because all 6th graders are crazy!!


  1. Oh my gosh, it's kazoo kid.

  2. Gravity's mean it always pulls other people down. ;)

  3. im glad we are learning about gravity even though i liked seasons.
    ps this is grant hejny

  4. learning about gravity is awesome!

  5. Gravity and inertia are really interesting.

  6. 6 Graders really are crazy.
