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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Earth: The Big Blue Marble

Earth, when seen from the Moon looks like a Big Blue Marble.

We have learned a lot about Earth just studying the Seasons. 
We know:

The Earth is a sphere:

There's lots of water on Earth and that's why there is life here and we can live here too!

We aren't too hot or too cold because of our position in the Solar System and our tilt.

We know that the angle of sunlight is very important all around the Earth to help balance where life is found and how it adapts to warmth and coolness.

If we were aliens who traveled the universe we would see our world as a tiny speck of blue.  Wait! we live on that tiny speck...a spinning, planet made up of rock, minerals, trees, animals, insects and people. 
Can you see Earth from Saturn?  We kind of look like a little speck of nothing...

Sometimes I forget, living on this little blue speck in the universe, that I'm part of the universe, as well as you!  We are made up of matter that has no beginning and no end.  From the tips of our toes, to the top of our heads (including our guts), we are made of the universe.

If we take a minute to think about this, maybe we can appreciate a little more, this Earth that travels around a ball of plasma and gives us food and water, shelter from scary, radioactive stuff in space.  The more we learn about Earth the better we can take care of the Earth.  None of us would ever try to drink poison or take in substances that would harm us. We should be aware of what we do to the Earth too.  Pollution is a BIG issue that many of us can't control, but taking care of our space is.  Clean up our homes, provide tidbits for birds, squirrels and deer.  Don't leave litter and bits of trash all over the place and wait for someone else to clean it up. We need to be aware of all the little things we can do that will make our Earth healthy.  

Try to go outside as much as you possibly can and enjoy the outside environment.  Feel the wind, the rain, snow, maybe dodge the hail, but get outside and be a part of the Earth.  

Take care of an animal, love a fish, sing with a bird, make friends with a cactus!

Try new activities, test your skills doing the things you like and the things you THINK you don't like. 

Don't hide from the Universe, be a part of the Universe. 

Keep learning and traveling everyday, to see all you can see, on this big, beautiful marble...


  1. I've never thought of the earth as a marble.

  2. i like that earth is called a marble even tho it is so big compared to us.
