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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Revolution Vs. Rotation

What's the difference between revolution and rotation. I'm not talking about a historical the revolution of the Sun, or the Earth, or the know, science stuff...

We know that the Earth revolves around the Sun and it takes about 365 days. In fact there are 8 planets and a bunch of asteroids and some dwarf planets that revolve around our Sun.

So, revolution has to do with going around something. The big difference between revolution and rotation is that when an object rotates it just spins in one spot, or like our Earth, it spins AND revolves.

Rotating objects are a pattern in our Solar System too.

Uh!  Oh snap!  Look at Earth's rotation compared to Venus's rotation!  Whaaaat? 

Our Sun even rotates.
Revolving and rotation does involve motion and going around, but from there we need to understand "how" the object goes around.  It's a case of similar-not-similar.  Confusing, I know!

Don't worry! You'll get it!


  1. lol i like all the gifs! But how does the moon stay half lit even behind the earth?-Kai "You know it!💀😉🐈💙

  2. I like the silly dog. I like the funny girl.

  3. Oops above is from Boston...

  4. You know,
    "Kai (kyla Poyfair)- "you know it!"💀😉🐈💙

  5. my friend knows the girl in that gif!
