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Friday, October 11, 2019

Earth's Seasons Review

How good are you at knowing the reason's for the season's?  Take this quick quiz and test your knowledge:

How did you do?

Uh oh, you didn't do well? Hmmm, you may need to study a little bit harder....

Check out this video, it has lots of stuff you should know about the seasons:

Okay, try the test again. 
How did you do?  Much better?  Give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself to something you like, oh master of the Seasons!


  1. i got 100 out of 100 on the quizz.
    ps this is grant hejny

  2. I like the winter solstice the best, and winter in general.

  3. It's pretty cool that the earth is at a tilt.
