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Friday, October 4, 2019

You Are a Season's Expert!

A quick review of all the evidence that has been collected, thought about, talked about, and tested to explain the seasons.

Now that you are all experts in explaining the Season's in a very scientific way.  If you can't, please refer to the past posts over the last week...there are other phenomena that happen because we have seasons.

Birds migrate!  If we didn't have any seasons, birds wouldn't have a reason to migrate. 

African lungfish have adapted to watery conditions and drought conditions. 

Bears and other animals hibernate.

Even humans have adapted to the seasons.  Some humans can live in dry hot conditions, others can live in dry super cold conditions.

This is why the Earth is fantastic and full of variety. 


  1. I think its cool that seasons cause so many changes and adaptations.

    P.S this is Grant Hejny

  2. its weird how in the winter the sun is closer to the earth but in summer it is farther away but more direct
