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Friday, September 20, 2019

Trash on the Moon

Okay, I had to bring this up...if we have colonies on the Moon, what are we going to do with all the trash they make?  I know the International Space Station puts it in bags and ejects it into space.  When the space trash bag loses speed it falls into the atmosphere and burns cleanly away before anyone even knows about it.  But Moon trash?  This appears to me to be a problem that needs to be considered. 
United States Moon rover...

Soviet Union Moon rover...

China's Moon rover...

Can you understand my concern?  In a hundred years will we look at the moon through our telescope and see spots of trash all over the moon? It's starting, right?  

There is a lot of bizarre stuff being left on the moon:
1. China left an actual biosphere that contained plants like cotton and potatoes.  They were able to plant the seeds and the plants actually grew until the Moon's shadow covered the biosphere and then they froze to death.  They left the biosphere on the moon with dead plant starts in it...

2. Bags of poop. No explanation needed...

3. Photographs of families...

4. Batteries
5. Remote controls
6. Shoes
7. Cameras
8. Cables
9. Handles
And I could go on and on.  From my research NASA wants to go to the moon and bring this stuff back because it has become a part of history.  So these are artifacts from the past that will probably be put in a museum somewhere, except for the poop, I hope!

I have an idea!  Why don't we figure out how to take care of the Moon trash problem!  Couldn't we figure this out?  Sixth graders are very good at figuring things out.  I say let's do this!  Come on, what do you say?  

You never know, maybe we could all get rich, very rich....

or not...


  1. I would buy moon poop.

  2. we should not make our moon trashy!!!

  3. Don't make bags of poop to leave on the moon. That's GROSS!
