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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reason for the Season #1 Tilt of Earth's Axis

The NUMBER ONE reason for the Season's is the TILT of the Earth's axis.  Did you know that our Earth is tilted 23.4 degrees compared to its orbital plane, or compared to the path the Earth takes around the Sun?

This tilt affects the Seasons on Earth. Some parts of the Earth are tilted toward the Sun and other parts are not tilted toward the Sun and this makes our temperatures and weather patterns different in different places and different times!

Okay, I'll say it simply:  No tilt equals one season!  How would we know and why do we care?  Would we be the same Earth with one season?

Scientists believe that with only one season the Earth would be surrounded by weather bands.  Very warm and moist around the middle of the Earth and progressively colder and drier as you traveled North or South.  Life probably wouldn't survive at the poles because it would be very cold, and tons of life would be living near the equator.  Would all 7 billion of us humans fit around the equator?  Let's look:

Look closely at the band around the equator from 0 degrees to 23.5 degrees.  It's mostly water!! Look where all the land masses are, above 23.5 degrees.  Whoa!  It would be really crowded in Africa and South America...

We would have to live together, and hopefully have enough room to grow a garden so we could have some fresh fruit and veggies?  The more I think about it, the more I appreciate our tilt!

With the Earth tilted different parts of the Earth receive direct and indirect sunlight.  Wheat grows where it is cooler, fruit grows where it is warmer.  Everything kind of balances out.  So, I wonder what made the Earth tilt?

Remember when we watched the theory about the formation of the moon...

It's possible this is how our Earth got tilted.  But we weren't there at the time, so maybe there is another reason the Earth was tilted...

Being tilted is not a bad thing.  The Earth is tilted, everyone loves the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and it's nice to lean on something or someone once in awhile...

It's cool to be tilted!!  (And warm in other places because light hits directly and indirectly...)


  1. The three pictures I like are silly. I like the video because the Kangaroo and Buffalo were talking.

  2. that kangaroo has the best voice i've heard i love it! being tilted is AWSOME!!!
