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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Moon's Affect on Humans

Did you know that the word "lunatic" comes from the Moon?  Luna is the Roman Moon Goddess.  You might have heard your parents yell the word "lunatic" while driving in your car along the I-15. What is a "lunatic"? It's a crazy person!  So, does that mean the Moon makes us crazy? 

Some people actually think so...
In the past ancient philosophers thought that the brain was all water and the moon affected the brain just like the tides of the ocean...our brains would slosh back and forth...
When our brains sloshed around too much, we start doing crazy things.  (Does this mean crazy people lived a long time ago too?) The time of the month that seems to be the craziest is the "full moon".  Everyone has heard that kids are more active, animals act weird and adults go crazier when there is a full moon?
Well, all of this could be pseudo-science.  Maybe during a full moon more people are outside because it's not so dark?  Animals might hunt more because they can see better.  Insects may fly around more because they are always attracted to light. 
Statistics show that there is more crime, car accidents and broken arms and legs during the summer.  Does that make summer a crazy time of year? Could it be that it's warmer outside and people like to do things outside when it's warm? 

So next time you want to call someone a "lunatic" because they are driving crazy on the I-15, and you think it might be because of the Moon...stop yourself and take a breath.  It might not be because of the moon and our brains are sloshing around (pseudo-science).  It might be because they are just, plain, crazy!


  1. I like the silly cat. I don't think the moon makes people crazy.

  2. This is so funny.

  3. This is nice thanks for the catch up of science. I like the memes too.

  4. So THAT'S why the word lunatic has luna in it.

  5. It was so cool to see the moon phases today

  6. didn't Mrs. taylor say 3rd period was crazy because the night before was a full moon?

  7. FYI the commet before was from me Cambria J
