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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Who is the Person That Discovered the Moon Revolves Around the Earth?

Alright!  Who did it?  Who was it?  I really want to  know who discovered that the Moon revolves around the Earth in a counterclockwise motion! 
It was Nicolaus Copernicus!  And he figured a whole bunch of things out about the Earth, the Moon and the Sun in 1504.  Do you realize how long ago that was? 

Ummm, not that far back in time....

Copernicus was such a great astronomer that he figured out that even though we see the Moon rise in the East and set in the West, he came to understand that the Moon actually revolves around the Earth the exact same way the Earth revolves around the Sun.  So!  The Moon actually revolves counterclockwise and moves from West to East...the same way our Earth spins or rotates. 

I know!  That's what probably everyone said to Copernicus when he tried to make his claim about the revolution of the Moon!  
It takes the Moon 27.3 days to go all the way around the Earth.  Because the Moon moves many people are fascinated by the different shadows that pass across the face of the Moon.  One of the early astronomers that was amazed by the moon was Galileo.
He kept a journal of the phases too!  How did these people do it?  

With simple models, just like ours.