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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Back to the Moon!

NASA plans on having people stay on the moon by 2024.  Do you realize how soon that is?  My drivers license expires before 2024! 

Watch the official announcement:
American companies will be able to resupply the Moon colonies!
The Orion space craft is being tested and built right at this minute.  It is one of the largest space craft ever built.  (Rocket tests are being done near Brigham City...)

NASA isn't going to the Moon alone, they are using American and International companies to help them get there.  It won't be only American's on Moon soil, it will be people from China, India, Japan, Germany and more places.  All of these countries will be using their experts to solve problems and create a colony that will be truly focused on one purpose:  Colonize the Moon!

Isn't this an amazing dream?  I love being able to watch all of this unfold.  Think about the possibilities for you!  There will be many jobs created, new technology created, better options for people as we strive to reach out into space.

Do you want to be a part of this?  Traveling out into space and colonizing the Moon? 

It's happening! 
While we are sleeping...going to school...taking vacations...riding our bikes....Scientists are thinking, planning, modeling. All. Over. The. World.


  1. I like the GIF where there's something in the crater.

  2. thats so cool that there gonna have people live on the moon so soon!

  3. I like the silly two pictures and I like the video.
