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Friday, September 6, 2019

Fun Moon Facts

The Moon is Earth's one and only satellite.  It is a huge chunk of rock that is 2, 159 miles in diameter, so in size compared to the Earth, it is only a quarter of the size of the moon. 

The surface of the moon has mountains, valleys, craters, cracks and large black cooled lava lakes. 
The moon is not a lamp, it can only reflect light from the Sun.  The soil on the moon is very light so this makes the surface very reflective.  
The moon does rotate on an's just SO slow that it takes about the same time to rotate one time as it does to revolve around the Earth one time!  
When it gets hot on the Moon it gets SUPER hot!  260 degrees Fahrenheit!.  When it gets cold, it is really cold...Negative 243 degrees Fahrenheit!.  
The Moon has gravity, but much less than the Earth.  So, if you want to go on a diet to lose weight, but you just aren't into diets and starving yourself.  Take a trip to the Moon, you will weigh much less there. 

What do you think of those facts? 


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