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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Water, Water, Everywhere!

Did you know....
It would take 800 trillion Olympic sized swimming pools of water to contain all the water in the world.

97% of all the water on Earth is salty.

Water is sticky.  Thank goodness because we have lots of water in our bodies and it helps pull blood up some of our narrow blood vessels. 

Actually water is the second most common molecule in the universe!  Hydrogen is number one.

It is believed that all the water on Earth came from comets and asteroids that collided with Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. 

Antarctic stores 10 thousand trillion tons of snow and ice.  

Hot water freezes faster than cold water...and no one really knows why....

Everywhere there is liquid on Earth, there is life.  Even if the water is boiling hot.

Leonardo DaVinci was obsessed 
with water.  He drew water endlessly and figured out a lot of science about water before anyone really thought about water. 

This is just a tiny sampling of how wonderful water is.  There are 100's of examples of amazing water facts.  We are very lucky to have this resource on our planet.


  1. the blob of water is cool.

  2. You should put in more clips of crew members on the ISS interacting with water. It's cool.

  3. Its sad how much fresh water there is in the world. I wish there were more.
