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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Water in Space

Since scientists have been sending astronauts into space, especially to the International Space Station, they have noticed a lot of differences in how objects behave in space.  Experiments have shown that flowers smell different, moss grows in a circular fashion and fire burns in a ball shape.  Water has been very interesting to study in space. 

In space water forms a round glob that acts more like jello than water.  

Trying to get water off of a towel or out of a syringe is sometimes tough because it acts like a gel, instead of a liquid.

The reason water molecules form spheres in space is due to its amazing ability to stick together.  Water molecules are very sticky on Earth.  In space the molecules stick together even more.  On Earth, gravity pulls water into the shape of a container, like a glass, a lake, pond or pool.  In micro-gravity water creates surface tension outside any container.  Water's bonds are so strong that astronauts can play water games in space!

The water actually looks like it has "skin" on the outside.  He looks like he is "eating" water! This is surface tension. 

In space, gravity doesn't act the same as on Earth.  There are lots of interesting science on the ISS and in space because things are just a little different.  Wait, lots different!

Astronauts put a camera in a "bubble" of what happens...


How cool is that??


  1. I would never go to space without a cat. I don't care whose it is.

  2. I would love to play with water in space
