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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mighty, Mighty Electrons

I don't think you really want to mess with an electron...they are tiny and mighty!

Small in size compared to the proton and neutron, but relatively stable and fast.  An electron is a packet of energy and travel in waves.  You can think of them as tiny vibrations that travel in a wave and arrive as a particle. 

Electrons don't act like planets that orbit a Sun, they are in a "cloud" around the nucleus and could be anywhere in the "cloud". 

Electrons cling to the nucleus because they are negatively charged and the nucleus is full of positively charged protons. They move so fast and have so much energy that they usually don't crash into the nucleus.  So, the faster the electron, the furthest it is from the center.

Whenever electrons are exchanged between atoms there is always a pop of energy and heat.  For some reactions the energy is calm, other reactions are deadly.

Electrons are very important in the world of electronics.  Their energy can surge and flow across conductors. This allows us to use computers, phones, cars, stoves, washing machines, light switches, flashlights, Airpods, electric guitars, microphones, macrophones,

...handwarmers, fireworks, gunpowder, fertilizer, lasers, microscopes, macroscopes, surgical procedures, dishwashers, radios, Alexa, Siri, pencil sharpeners, cameras, electric wheelchairs, hover boards, drones, airplanes....................


  1. Electrons help us use a lot of stuff.

  2. We should stop this before it becomes to late. Stop using electrons!!!!!

  3. They kind of look like a fingerprint
