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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Atomic Attractions

Oh great!  It's not even February/Valentine's month and we are talking about attractions!

It's only Atomic attraction....why are atoms attracted to each other?  Why is matter attracted to other matter? 

Here's one theory:

Dude!  Electromagnetism rules!  Okay, so everything is attracted to everything by electromagnetism and if we take away electromagnetism everything would fall apart!  Everything.

Everyone loves magnets, so this example is simple to visualize.  Atoms have a positive proton in the nucleus and a negative electron out side the nucleus.  This "positive/negative" force keeps atoms together.

This magnetic force also attracts other atoms...atoms that make up the same elements, and atoms that are not the same elements.  This all sounds so simple....but it's NOT.  Just like relationships among humans everything gets so complicated!  So what are the fundamental forces that hold atoms together...there are 4.  That doesn't sound too bad.  I bet you won't watch this, but you should give it a try...

Wrap your head around this!
And remember science is fun even though scientists/teachers/astronauts/physicists can't explain some of the fundamental reasons why atoms are attracted to each other.  (Career hint:  JOBS! JOBS!) Matter likes other matter. They are attracted by forces in the universe....really!