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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

10 Most Interesting Moons in the Solar System

Today I will list the 10 most fascinating moons in our Solar System, starting from #10:

10:  The Moon

This is a recent picture of the Tycho crater on our one and only moon.  The detail that can be seen today is amazing!

9.  Phobos:  This poor little moon that orbits Mars is slowly being torn apart by Mar's gravity.


8.  Mimas.  The Death Star moon that orbits Saturn.  Herschel, the craters name, is proof that forces in space can nearly shatter objects...


7. Charon and Pluto:  Charon is Pluto's largest moon and sometimes the two are referred to as a "double planet" system.  


6. Iapetus: This little moon orbiting Saturn was discovered in 1671!  The light and dark side are due to Iapetus's orbit.  As it travels around Saturn it is sweeping up debris in its way.  This causes a dark side and a "cleaner" side.  Interestingly, the dark side absorbs heat and the lighter side is always colder.


5. Io-Jupiter's moon:  Because of tremendous gravitational forces on Io its surface bulges and shrinks as much as 330 feet!  Because of this extreme pressure Io is the most volcanic object in our solar system!

4. Enceladus.  We think Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park is a fun place to visit?  If we could travel to Enceladus, Saturn's moon, we would be in for a huge show!  Under Enceladus's surface is a  huge underground ocean. Completely frozen on top, but underneath the frozen surface pressure builds and soon giant geysers erupt!


3. Rebel Triton.  Neptune's moon has been trouble from the beginning.  Triton orbits opposite the orbit of Neptune. Possibly this little moon was captured from the Kuiper Belt, it is frozen, but actively vents nitrogen gases.


2.  Ganymede.  This is the largest moon in the solar system and it orbits Jupiter.  It is larger than Mercury and Pluto.  It's almost as big as Mars!  This moon even has its own magnetic field and was discovered in 1610.  Now that's impressive!


And finally #1 Moon in the Solar System, because it is weird, fantastical, and really amazing! Is! 
1. Titan. Saturn's fuzzy orange moon.  This moon has a thick atmosphere and after much observation apparently it has its own "Water cycle"!  Its way too cold on Titan for water to flow as a liquid, but there are gases that do, such as methane and ethane.  


There you have it!  The 10 most interesting moons in the Solar System!  If you don't believe me click on the links and enjoy more information and some interactive videos that you can move and manipulate yourself to see the entire moon.  It's way cool, I recommend it!


  1. I feel bad for Phobos. I would hate to be torn apart.
    ps This is Grant Hejny

  2. Enceladus is sooo cool. I wish I could see the geysers like that.

  3. Titan looks really cool. I hope we can live there someday.

  4. Why does enceladus have a blue thing on it

  5. Yay! Our moon made the list!

  6. How come every moon gets a cool name and our moon gets "moon".

  7. The Tycho crater looks like Utah mountains

  8. There's a lot of pretty colors.

  9. Maybe I am but you can not defeat me mwamwamwamwmwamawmwa!
