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Monday, December 16, 2019

Solar System Patterns

Patterns...How do patterns help us understand the Solar System?  

There are lots of paths that go around the Sun, but they all go counterclockwise!  All celestial objects in our Solar System travel counterclockwise...except for a couple of exceptions...all comets, asteroids, meteoroids, dust particles, planets, dwarf planets, and man made satellites.

According to many observations over long periods of time, astronomers have noted that planet shapes are a pattern.  The smaller planets tend to have smaller orbits and larger planets have longer orbits.  For example, Earth takes 365 days to orbit the Sun and Saturn takes 29 years.  Smaller planets are closer to their Sun and larger planets are farther away from their Sun. 

Gravity has created patterns in our Solar System too...planets, the Sun and other objects that have been orbiting a long time, are round.  Gravity causes orbits to be "nearly" round, planets are "nearly" round and our entire Solar System orbits "nearly" around the Milky Way Galaxy.

Finally density of all Solar Systems is the greatest within the Star!  The Sun has the most mass and then the planets make up a small percentage of mass.  The densest objects are closest to the Sun...and the least dense away from the Sun...

Well, look at that!  It appears that the planets begin to gain density again further away from the Sun...interesting!

Patterns are important to observe because they help us understand the forces involved that help form solar systems all through our own galaxy.  Patterns help us SEE clues to an underlying order.  At first it appears our Solar System was born violently, with mass and materials spewed all over.  Looking for patterns have helped scientists to discover orderliness among the "mess".  Patterns help scientists discover how things work.  Understanding how our Solar System works has been a goal for many scientists since the beginning of human recorded history, and possibly before that!  

Maybe because patterns are so satisfying to watch...kind of calming...relieves a bit of stress...hypnotizing...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....


  1. I think it is cool that the planets are really dense when they are close to the sun and then they get less dense and then more dense.
    ps this is grant hejny

  2. The pattern at the bottom is so relaxing to watch.

  3. that was actually hypnotizing


  5. The black and white thing is so weird!

  6. I wonder how little we would know without patterns!

  7. Whats with that guy's glasses?

  8. It takes Saturn so long to orbit the sun!

  9. i wonder what it would be like to walk on the sun, because you can't.
