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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Planets in Our Solar System

So, Mercury should be super hot because it orbits closest to our Sun.  So, I wonder why it has ice on it's poles?  Doesn't that seem impossible? 

If Venus is a planet that has cleared its neighborhood, and orbits the Sun, and has enough gravity to be round...I wonder why it doesn't have any moons?  I mean look at Saturn, it has like 82 moons!  Do planets steal moons?

If you look at Mars, it's full of gullies and river beds and scientists are pretty sure there was water on I wonder where its atmosphere went?  I mean, doesn't water evaporate?  Shouldn't it be in the atmosphere around Mars?

Our moon is peppered with craters which means that there must have been lots and lots of space things hitting the moon...I wonder if this is because of Jupiter?  Did Jupiter have a huge effect on drawing space rocks, dust and comets into it and those items ran into our moon, and the other planets while they were being sucked into Jupiter?

How about those rings around Saturn?  I wonder if there was like this large piece of space stuff, maybe as big as a planet and it just shattered and scattered its remains all around Saturn?  Kind of like the rings are an old planet graveyard?

At first astronomers thought there wasn't much going on around Uranus.  Just a giant, frozen, gassy planet.  Then, they spotted some storms?  I wonder what would cause a storm on a giant, frozen, gassy planet?

The winds on Neptune have been clocked at over 1,100 miles per hour!  That's faster than the speed of sound!  What is on Neptune that would create such amazing wind?

The magnetic field around the Earth protects us from really bad radiation.  NASA keeps track of the levels every day to make sure that we aren't getting horrible doses of sunlight.  I wonder what it would be like if we didn't have a magnetic field around us?  Would we have to live in tunnels?  Would the Earth become a jungle of plants?

There are still a lot of questions Earthians have about their own planet as well as the others...


  1. It would be pretty funny if planets stole moons

  2. Why do we know so much about space and have so many questions when we still don't know nearly everything about are own planet? It's weird.

    1. Also, I do know a few planets that ARE thieves.

  3. So many weird things about space.

  4. Maybe Venus is too close to the sun so any moon it had burnt up.

  5. so all the pictures of the solar system are wrong
