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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Playing With Forces

If you loved pushing and pulling things and your dream was to be Gravity, the game for you is....FOOTBALL!

Forces make things move, and in this sport, there is A LOT of things going on!  You have the kicker:

I've always wanted to be the kicker...

The quarterback is another force in the game:


Whoa! Whoa!

AW! Shoot!


Can you feel the energy?  Can you comprehend the inertia and gravity?  Aren't you so grateful for gravity?  If we didn't have any forces acting on us we wouldn't have as much fun!  Imagine a football game without inertia, everyone is sitting in the stands staring at the ball, waiting for some object to act on it.  Or worse, without gravity, the quarterback throws the ball and it keeps going, and going, outside the stadium, down the road, past the Costco and onto the Interstate...never to be seen again.  Or maybe the next time it loops around the Earth...

Nobody's got time for that!!  Play ball!!


  1. I don't like football, but I do like gravity and inertia.😺

  2. Could you please put the football terminology into words that I would know?

  3. That baby trying to kick that ball was adorable. He is a true football player on the inside!

  4. Football would be sooo boring without gravity and inetia.

  5. Gravity and inertia are awesome
