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Friday, November 15, 2019

Gravity and Aging

We all know that if we traveled to other planets, depending on their sizes we would "weigh" more on larger planets because of their greater force of gravity.

Did you know that if you lived on a planet with less gravity than the Earth's you would AGE faster?

This is something NASA doesn't come right out and tell us...when humans live in zero gravity conditions, their body parts change. Very quickly.  The Russians were the first to discover this because they have spent the most time in space.  In zero gravity your body doesn't know which way is up or down, so your stomach and intestines process foods differently than in gravity.  There is less pressure on your eyes so when you get back to Earth vision becomes very poor.  Exercise in space doesn't work, no matter how long you do it per day.  The muscles shrink.  Even your heart shrinks and blood being pumped through your veins decreases. 

Spending six months in zero gravity takes an astronaut 2 years to recover!!  Many astronauts come back to Earth and can only shuffle their feet across the floor, they can't find their balance and easily fall over, or their feet hurt so badly when they walk on them that walking is nearly impossible.  Sleeping on Earth is hard because they wake up frequently thinking they are slipping out of bed.

Will knowing this affect where we want to go explore?  Possibly.  There will always be someone that doesn't care if they age or die in space as long as they are the first to discover "something" new in the Universe. 

It looks like if we want to remain healthy we need gravity pressure!  Engineers and scientists are working on this problem already.  If we are going to send explorers to Mars, we need to keep them healthy the 45 days it takes to get there.  Once on the Martian surface, gravity there is nearly similar to what we experience on Earth.  Getting back to Earth poses a problem because it takes about 500 days on Mars before the Earth is in position for a return trip!  All this space drama is exhausting!

And getting old?  Who has time for that? 


  1. That AI picture of that women aging is so crazy. She was young then old.

  2. That cat meme of it falling off was so funny!

  3. I love it when cats fall and die.

  4. HA HA so funny I agree with Dane.

  5. 500 days on mars before they can go home?! Glad I'm not an astronaut.
