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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Formation of the Solar System

The formation of our Solar System took time and occurred in an organized fashion.  Our "proto-sun" was floating around a beautiful nebula full of gases and particles of matter.  Suddenly there was a HUGE explosion that sent a shock wave across the nebula.  Our "proto-sun" began to move and spin, the spinning caused particles and gases to move toward the "proto-sun".  As more mass came closer, our "proto-sun" began to spin faster and faster, gobbling up more matter with every rotation!  The closer the matter go, the hotter things became until our "proto-sun" sprang into life with a huge nuclear reaction, hydrogen fusing into helium.  So began our Sun. 

Inside the core of our Sun is a realm of nuclear activity.  Hydrogen atoms are crashing together and fusing into helium atoms.  This causes intense heat, and energy.  Our Sun is basically "blowing" up every few seconds to create the energy that makes it to the Earth and all the way to Neptune. 

The inside of the Sun looks something like this model.  Scientists have probes around the Sun, but none can withstand the heat if they get too close...

The surface of the Sun even looks like it is boiling because of the intense energy.

The hottest temperatures in the universe come from stars.  

Oh snap! For sure!