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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Is Barbie Real?

For years Barbie has been a toy Icon.  In fact the first Barbie doll was presented in March 1959.  She was a fabulous hit within that generation and she continues to hold her head up among all the Toy Story Dolls, G I Joe dolls, stuffed animals and other toys.  She just seems to keep hanging in there being profitable for Mattel and bringing many children joy.

So, a student asked me the other day, in all seriousness....Is Barbie real?  I assumed they were asking about the doll, but the more I listened to the question, I realized, no, this student wants to know if Barbie is a REAL PERSON. 

At first I was like, "Psssh!  She's a doll!"  But then I thought....what if she is real, you know, like modeled after someone, or people like to dress like Barbie?  That's when I started my investigation into: "Is Barbie Real?"

I know!  At first I thought I was crazy too, but then I thought.  This is a great QUESTION. It didn't take too long and I thought of a HYPOTHESIS.  If Barbie is real, then I should be able to find her on the Internet. Right!!

So I looked!  And I FOUND HER!!  

Ummm, yeah.  Look at this!  This lady is from the Ukraine and all her life she has wanted to play with Barbie and look like Barbie, so she did it!  Transformed herself into the "real-life-Barbie". 

There's even a Ken...

So why would "people" go to such great lengths to change their appearance to look like a doll?  Some people want to change themselves to be more fit, or healthier, have red hair instead of black hair, or blonde hair instead of brown hair.  What is the benefit?  

Culture.  If your culture wants beautiful models, girls want to be beautiful models. In the Ukraine, the real life Barbie wanted attention, fame, modeling jobs and she thought she could do it by "being Barbie".  Ken is the same. He is very detailed oriented and loved the detail of Ken's face.  So he changed his face by changing small details.  All this for attention, modeling jobs, and fame.  These people became focused on "looks".  

So, what do they look like today?  After the Barbie culture goes away, what do you do?  (OH! MORE QUESTIONS!)

She has moved to Moscow where she has decided to be a body builder...She has done some acting and continues to seek attention on the Internet.  

RESULTS OF THIS INQUIRY:  Researching your questions can bring answers to your questions and this may increase your questions!  This is a scientific practice that anyone can do.  Anyone can increase their knowledge or focus in life if they know how to ask the right questions and search for answers in the right places.  

That sounds kind of spiritual, but science is always trying to explain why things happen the way they happen!  I hope NONE of you become a "real-life-Barbie"!  I do hope that each of you will always search for answers to your questions.  Don't let other people or culture tell you the answers, find out for yourself what is true for you.

Keep asking....keep moving....keep testing....keep growing!


  1. That probably took a ton of plastic surgery and makeup.

  2. I would never transform my beautiful face into a monstrosity like that.😽

  3. people got plastic surgery to look like something plastic. The name makes sense now

  4. Barbie has a VERY high chance of dying.

  5. Barbie is a waste of resources

  6. My face is already perfect.

  7. I agree with jerin. barbie will most likely die.

  8. mrs. taylor your the best teacher
