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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Method of Heat Transfer: Conduction

Conduction is the transfer of heat by TOUCH. 

Let me be more specific.  Matter, made up of lots of molecules and atoms, can transfer heat by touch.

This example shows how a flame on a Bunsen burner heats the air near it.  The molecules that are heated bump against the cooler molecules and soon they are heating each other up because of their vibrations that cause them to touch each other.  

Simply, conduction is the movement of heat through a medium...

...not that kind of medium!  A medium of matter!  Like, a pot handle sitting in hot soup, a blanket on your lap, hot water in a cup, those kind of mediums.  Heat will travel because the objects are touching each other.  

How long can you sit in a hot tub before it gets too hot and you have to run to the pool and cool off?
That's conduction.  The heated water transfers energy to your skin, your skin transfers it to your organs and pretty soon, you are feeling so hot you feel like a boiled potato!

That's conduction.  Energy transfer by touch.

Here are some other examples of conduction:

Conduction: the transfer of energy (heat) across a medium by touch....

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