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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Constraints and Criteria in Engineering Design

Constraints in designing a product or in a project is exactly how it sounds. Restraints.

Constraints are limitations to materials, money, equipment, and time.  The constraints are like conditions that have to be met by your design.  If you are designing a huge skyscraper, of course you want to use the best materials, but maybe those materials are too expensive, so you buy the same materials from a different country to save costs, but then your time runs out because the country couldn't ship the materials you needed by the time you needed. 

A criterion or "criteria" needed for your design refers to the standard or the part of the project that can be  measured.  For example the height of your skyscraper.  The dimensions of a parking structure. 

Constraints and criteria actually help you figure out what kind of design you need.  Knowing these parts of the project helps engineers design space and forces them to create different designs if the criteria and constraints aren't met. 

The 2 C's of Engineering...and we aren't talking vitamin C!


  1. I think it is cool that they made the Ferris wheel of cars.
    I can also see how knowing the criteria and constraints would help you a lot.
    p.s. This is grant hejny

  2. I love the car thing, It's so cool!
