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Friday, February 21, 2020

Scientist VS Engineer

What is the big difference between a scientist and an engineer?

Scientists observe the world...they like to look at phenomena in and around the world and spacey things too.  A scientist will stare at something and try to figure it out.  If he's tired of just looking then he starts testing and we get lots of information about gravity, or environments, or atoms and molecules.

An engineer is the creator.  They like to solve problems and create solutions.  They are the builders. Do engineers need scientists? Or, do scientists need engineers?  The answer is "YES".  If one person is good at science and another is good at creating?  Wallah! We get a world of technology.

Scientists want to know something and engineers want to do something.  A scientist may want to know the origin of our universe, the engineer will build a huge machine that can blast atoms to pieces to discover the tiny parts of an atom.

Engineers and scientists are working together to do a large scale restoration project of the lower two miles of the Provo River that goes into Utah Lake.  They want to make this part of the river like it was in the past, rich with the endangered June sucker.  The increased habitat would be a nursery-like environment for many endangered species.  Scientists have made the observations and know what needs to happen to restore this wetland area.  Engineers are working with the scientists because there are problems...agriculture in the area would be lessened, homes would need to be taken out, and recreation would need to be moved.  All considered the engineers are creating a way for the river to join Utah Lake, agriculture needs would be met, houses would be saved and recreation in the area could increase!  This is a huge undertaking and it takes lots of scientists and engineers working together to make it happen.

Knowledge of engineering and science can make our lives more enjoyable. Technology can help us spend more time with our families and doing those things we like to do best, more often. 


  1. My Dad was an engineer for NASA for a while. It was really cool.

  2. I didn't know the difference between a engineer and scientist. I think that is a cool thing to know.

  3. I'd rather build something than observe it. So I guess i'd rather be an engineer.

  4. ps the unknown on feb 23 at 5:22 is grant hejny.
