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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Water Cycle: Percolation

When I was little we had a percolator in our house...

The smell of coffee in the morning was a delicious smell...until you tasted it and then that was disgusting....

What does percolation have to do with the water cycle?  Well, when rain falls onto mountains and forms little streams, some of that water flows down the mountain, and some of the water "percolates" into the ground.  

The water has to pass through lots of layers of rock to get deep into the mountain, or find a way to escape the mountain and enter a river or stream at the bottom of the mountain.  

It's kind of like water "percolating" through coffee grounds into the pot...

Percolation is an important part of the water cycle because it travels through the rocks and actually purifies the water!  Later on, maybe 100's of years later, that water will come to the surface and we will be able to drink it.  

We all need water to survive.  Every single living thing on the planet!


  1. Well there's nothing i can do to contradict that last statement. Sad.

  2. Thanks to percolation we aren't drinking dinosaur poop.

  3. Aren't people in Africa already using this water????? 100s of years :/

  4. So percolation is when rainfall soaks into the ground and gets collected by ground water. Just want to make sure so that I do my water cycle booklet correctly. :)

  5. I hate coffee!

  6. I like the mammatus cloud and clouds can do suprisingly awesome stuff
