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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Air Masses: Cold Fronts

If you love big battles...lots of easy seat to watch the action...then you will love a cold front.

The title of the battle would be:  "When Warm and Cold Air Fronts Meet".  

All the elements of a "Battle of the Gods", are there.  Thunder! Lightning! Wind! Rain! Hail!  

Now, a strong cold front isn't for everyone.  Some people shy away at them and hide in their bedrooms, maybe under their beds. The thunder, lightning and wind is too much and causes them great anxiety. That's fine.  

Not me.  I want a front seat! I say bring it on!  I love cold fronts and the power they bring to the sky. 

Some people call them "cloud tsunami's"!  All dark and powerful, kind of gives you a chill down your spine.  So what exactly is happening?  Why do only cold fronts act this way?  

Cold fronts move faster because the air is more dense heavier and colder.  There are more particles of air coming at you than a warm front where the particles are more expanded and rising in the sky.  When the cold front moves in like a wrecking ball, it pushes warm air straight up.  The warm and cold particles condense and HUGE clouds form.  Many times it looks like a wall.  

Out of this shelf like cloud comes the most violent weather, like tornadoes:

The interesting thing about cold fronts is that they come in with guns blazing, fast and furious and then they are done.  Cold, clear skies follow behind the dark violence.  

It's always a good idea to be respectful of weather warnings when a cold front is coming in.  Sometimes they just come in with a bang, a few showers and then they clear out.  Others have more power, and that's the part about weather forecasting scientists haven't quite figured out.  Many times, it is hard to predict what a cold front will do...

A very wise person will be prepared for the heavy storms that come our way in the spring and summer.  Be prepared, listen to the weather reports and be ready when the battle of cold air and warm air begins!  You don't want to be surprised when the storm comes in...


  1. I like that some people call cold fronts cloud tsunamis.

  2. Cold fronts are awesome for the eyes. I love weather photos.

  3. The comment before this is by Lucas.

  4. For some reason it isn't registering my name.

  5. Weather is soooooooo cool!! I love how if the temperature and other things are just right, scary storms can happen.

  6. I like the name "cloud tsunamis". It just makes them sound really cool.

  7. I want a cloud tsunami to happen in lehi.

  8. Hunter: Blah blah blah
